
YAC Attack... via Facebook.

So this video has been blowing up Facebook all morning by me and other members of our young adult community at Hope. My good friend (whom I must add is INCREDIBLY talented) Jason Lee made this video highlighting the city of Memphis. We have been praying for the young adults in our city over the past month or so. It is our hope that young adults across the whole city of Memphis come together to join our community in this new Tuesday night service that we are starting up in January. Please join us in praying for our community and our city... and watch the video. It's good stuff!

(Also, a wee little side note- I have a job interview today for a full-time baking position so PLEASE lift this sister up in prayer. This would be an awesome opportunity for me to get my feet wet in the baking biz!)

Thanks guys


Help is on The Way

Colossians 1:13-14
 13 For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, 14 in Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

In my bible study tonight I was really drawn to this verse. Within the context, Paul and Timothy are saying that because of God's great love for us (His redeeming love) we should pray for and encourage one another. However, I could not help but think, how true is it that we still dwell in a world under the "dominion of darkness?" This past weeks events- the school shooting in CT and shooting of two police officers here in Memphis- make it easy to see that the darkness of this world is very real and near to us. 
It saddens me how nonchalant I have become in hearing these tragedies. I no longer am shocked by them because they are all too familiar. The local news features story after story of murders and civil unrest. So when I heard about the school shooting I did not mourn. Instead, the man that went into the school and shot those children and teachers and the man who shot the police officers fulfilled my expectation- that I will be continually disappointed by humanity. 
There is light in this darkness, though. Jesus Christ has rescued us from our sin and will one day come rescue us from the darkness of this world. But for now He offers us a peace over the havoc. Facebook was blown up with one status update after another calling for our King to come. That brings me hope- that our generation of believers leans into Christ and on one another amid tragedy. I am so grateful for the peace that God gives us and that the body of Christ is strong and uplifting, and I pray for the families of all those affected by the events this past week.

Don't forget to love on people. (This is really me telling myself.)


Whoa there...

It's already December 13th!
Holy cow. This month is going by SO quickly and I have not been on the ball in the slightest. I only have one Christmas present purchased!

I haven't been working a whole lot here lately so I've done some knitting and organizing in our apartment. Our young adult community is in the middle of some changes. We're gearing up a new service on Tuesday nights starting in the new year that is aimed at reaching young adults across the whole city of Memphis. So that is exciting and I've been working with one of my friends on our little "coffee/snack team." I'm really excited to be involved in the changes and here for the beginning of what I think is going to be a really great event for people my age. God has been working a lot in me this past year and I am just happy to have an outlet for service until Multinational starts back in February.

I have decided to take a break from college. I am really burned out between work and school and at this point I don't know what I want to pursue as a career goal. Therefore, I am taking some time to pay back some of my student loans and really delve into discovering the way I am meant to fulfill God's purpose for my life. I feel Him drawing me out from where I am and into something new and this is my leap of faith into the unknown. It's exciting and a little scary but I know that I am in God's hands and that He will provide.

In other news, Mary and I ran the Ugly Sweater 5k this past Saturday. It has been unseasonably warm this winter so it was really fun to get out and see people decked out in their Christmas gear. It was my first 5k and it was untimed (thank goodness!) but we had a lot of fun.

Saturday was also the day of our YAC Christmas party. It was good to hang out and Jackie made these AMAZING stuffed mushrooms. (I'm such a foodie- yes. Food is always my focus.) So, it was a busy weekend!

My baby seestor is coming in town in a week and I am SO excited. I haven't seen her since September and I have missed her so much. It's crazy how much closer we've become the past couple of years. But I am getting my apartment ready for her to come stay with us. My tree has been up for about a month now.


No DIYing today...

It has been a while... once again. I begin many a post with "So, it's been a while." Not a lot has been going on in the realm of crafting/cooking. I'm still baking with YoLo bakes and have been making cupcake orders out of home, so I'm just about all cupcaked out. Not feeling very cake-creative so I'm trying to hold off for a couple of weeks in order to be on top of my game for... my FIRST WEDDING! It's a cupcake wedding cake for a couple of friends of mine done pro-bono, but I am still SO excited to get the experience.
In other news, I have picked up a couple of pieces to refinish- yardsale end table and a cool old dining chair off the side of the road (That's how I roll.) I'll start on those soon (hopefully) so I'll be able to post about those soon.
Have a good weekend!- L


Hello again...

Let's see... Since the last post we bought a pottery barn chaise for the woman cave and hung up my cute little shaded string lights.
 I bought a kitchenaid mixer.
Isn't she lovely?
and I have put her to use! I have decided to start up a little side business-
wait for it...
Check it out!

 I got back from a trip with my family to Gulf Shores last night.

Little sister is leaving to move to Wisconsin in mid-August so I will be trying to pack in some seestor time the next few weeks.

That's about it. I've been slacking on my DIYing and cooking up a storm.
I started a new bible study 3 weeks ago so when I have a moment, I'll post about that. 

Happy Hump Day!


Productive Day Numero Dos

Boy, am I good or what?! Two days in a row. I am on a roll!
Today after work I went and bought some scrapbook paper and water cups and made these cute string lights to go in my woman cave. I LOVE them. They aren't too bright with the paper shades and they look fantastic with the grey walls!

 While I was slaving away at dinner/ crafting, Mary went to her farm house to pick up our dining room table. It's simple and I LOVE it. I can't wait to get the chairs and pinterest it up with cute cushions/ centerpieces. 


{2} Shades of Grey

Don't worry. This isn't my own cheesy version of a sketchy romance novel. We're talking grey walls here, people.
Over the weekend I got a little apartment beautification done. Neither Mary nor I have done much at all in the way of decorating since we moved in because of our busy schedules. Mary and I made it to Home Depot this afternoon to purchase some new paint for our sun room. We are obviously very serious about home improvement.


We painted it grey once before, but as you can see in the picture below, we didn't choose a shade that was notably different.

However, we were THRILLED with how today's paint selection turned out!
I like to call it my woman cave.
I also finally bought chalk for my chalkboard window pane. I LOVE it! It's going to be our weekly menu board.

More to come when I find the time to do more DIYing. (hopefully soon!)


Fret not..

Mega-post to come!
I have been busy, busy, busy.
I've been working a ton and also packing up my life for the great move of 2012...
Coming this Friday.
Excited and dreading it!
But, on the bright side my new apartment = a ton of cute things to post about... when I get to it.

Tonight I had a sort of last hurrah fancy dining night with my YoLo girls. We went to Flight. The atmosphere was beautiful. The service was great. The food was incredible and came in TINY portions. Really, it was laughable. But we had a lot of fun getting all dressed up and people watching.

Anyway! More posts to come after the move.
<3 Lucy


Quinoa noodles!

Check this out. Plain old pasta right? Wrong! Gluten free quinoa and corn spaghetti noodles with gluten free Alfredo sauce. And it was delicious! Maybe better than regular noodles. Random purchase from whole foods well spent.


Prayer please!

So, my mom went to the doctor this week and they found and removed a tumor along with some other abnomalities. They are doing a biopsy to determine whether or not they my be cancerous. Please pray for my mom (and my dad/family too) while she waits for results.

Also, I am going to be a counselor at Opportunity Camp this year. It is my first year going but I am so excited! My mom actually went when she was a kid so it's kind of funny how life comes around full circle and we get to bless those who have blessed us. There is a prayer list for the camp below. Please take a minute and pray for me and the other counselors, staff, and most of all the children that are coming. Thank you guys!

Counselors – They are caring for the children 24/7.
They need strength, patience, love, grace, and a Christ-like attitude.

Bible Study Teachers – They are with the children for 1 hour each day.
They need clear teaching, discernment, understanding, patience, and sensitivity.

Craft Helpers – They are with the children an hour each day.
They need endurance, patience, and creativity to share Christ's love through art.

Track Time Leaders – They are teaching children a useful skill for an hour each day.
They need endurance, patience, clear English, and an encouraging attitude.

Recreation Leaders – They are with the children an hour each day.
They need energy, keen eyes and ears for problems/injuries, patience, and love.

Opportunity Camp Staff – They oversee all activities, solve problems, equip leaders, and stay all week with both camps. For a year they have been prayerfully planning camp. They need endurance, understanding, patience, love, mercy, grace, discernment, wisdom, and ferver. Their names are: Elesia Turner, Richard Bushart, Beth Cox, Laurie Graves Morris, Amy Dale, and Emily Cox.


Sudanese and other Africans – They come from war-stricken countries and still fight discrimination in their own communities here. Some are muslims. Some are Christians. Many of them feel and are told they cannot accomplish things their peers can do. They need encouragement to grow into who God wants them to be.

Vietnamese and other Asians – They come from communities that fled former wars. They are struggling to make better lives for their families. Many of them are shy and are not open to sharing about their life. They need courage and openness. 

Hispanics – They come from protected communities that are very proud of their heritage. Many are Catholics but have no real understanding what a relationship with Christ is like. They need discernment and wisdom to see the difference in what they have always known and what they need.

Overall – There are other groups that attend camp. Regardless who they are or where they're from, they all need: CHRIST, love, conviction, wisdom, grace, and salvation.


Harmony & Unity - With children of so many different races, religions, and backgrounds, it's imperative that there is a positive and loving atmosphere at camp. Unity and a serving attitude are also extremely important for the staff and volunteers to maintain as they pour all they have into the children and each other.


Worship Service - At 7:30 each night there is a worship service. Music with fundamental truths is taught. A Bible story is taught and the Gospel is clearly presented each night. Pray for us during this time.

Bible Study – This is the time when if a child is going to give their life to Christ, this is it. Pray for attentiveness and that God's word would not be distracted. Because it is so important to the kids, here are the exact time when it will be happening:

Boys' Camp: Saturday-Monday at 3:30pm & Tuesday at 8:30am.
Girls' Camp: Tuesday-Thursday at 3:30pm & Friday at 8:30am.

Hangout Fest 2012

So, I have the coolest job ever right now. They're super flexible around my school schedule. I work with some really cool people and I get to eat an obscene amount of sugary goodness on the daily. However, none of these perks will ever add up to the ultimate perk of working at YoLo. 
An all-expense paid trip to Gulf Shores for the week for Hangout Fest.
That's right. My job paid for me to go kick-it on the beach and see the love of my life, Dave Matthews. 
The ladies of YoLo soaking up some sun

 Leils and I had to hit up a tacky souvenir shop.

 The whole Hangout crew
 This was my work space between concerts. It took me a while to realize why people were taking pictures with our airstream. Duh, YOLO. Silly Drake, YoLo is for yogurt local.
 Betsy and I before M. Ward
 We were so close!
Me, Betsy, and Elizabeth before Dave.


The weeks end

So this weekend is particularly sweet because I am going to be out of the store for the next 8 days! Over the weekend I spent some time with my good friend Leila, who just got back from opening a YoLo in Owensboro, KY. We went to Greek fest at the Greek orthodox church around the corner from my parents house and had a blast eating our weight in Greek food. We also went to the farmers market and got flowers for our moms and grandmas. I'm so glad to have her back!


Mini Apple Pies!

So, my awesome friends, Brandi and Maggie (adorable girls pictured above) got me this nifty little pie maker for Christmas and since the semester is FINALLY over, I had time to whip it out!
 Rolling out my mini pie crusts
 Gooey apple filling 
 10 minutes and VOILA!
They are so freaking cute- I can't get over it and  delicious too!



I have approximately a month and a half until I move and I am getting pretty excited about decorating the apt. I've made up a pinboard on pinterest and have started a couple of projects. Brittany and I were driving down Walnut Grove on the way to Osaka (I LOVE OSAKA.) and I made a u-ey when I saw these window panes laying on the side of the road. It looks a little rough at the moment but after I finish out this semester I'm going to fashion it to look something like the bottom picture. 

My second on-going project is a bedside table. I also found this on the side of the road. People throw away the coolest stuff, although the first picture was taken after some sanding and tlc. It looked ROUGH. 

Sanded and painted it looks a lot better but I feel like it is a little too bright so I am going to work on distressing it. 

But that's what I've got going on at the minute- finishing up school and working on craft stuff. What have you guys been up to?

<3 lucy


Reflection on Perceptions

I feel like in society today, people have really started to embrace individuality and respect the differences that make each one of us unique. So it has become easy to have a "I don't care what people think of me" mindset. In all honesty though, I still care very much and not because I am a very insecure person, but because I think it is important to consider the perception you are sending out to the world. When I first started this blog I was very hesitant to share anything about my faith because I didn't want to be perceived as someone who is too forward with my beliefs. I was afraid to share anything personal with people in general because I didn't want people to refer back to something if it wasn't a shining moment. But there came a point where I had to decide to broadcast the real me, not the politically- correct, refined version. 

While the "I don't care what people think of me" mindset is beneficial in the development of self-esteem in youth, this mindset for us as young adults- and especially as Christians, should concern us. I had a conversation with a friend of mine over the weekend about the struggle between partaking in the social norms of our generation versus maintaining a lifestyle reflective of his desire to serve Christ. This conversation mainly encompassed the consumption of alcohol and use of fowl language. Drinking alcohol in itself is not a sin, in my opinion and neither is swearing. However, Titus chapter 2 clearly states that we are to "to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good(v.3)" and also to "say 'No' to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good (v.12-14)." My main concern with these things is that both hurt your ability to witness to other people. Although these are (arguably) not moral issues, the consistent presence of either depicts a life not centered in Christ which is so selfish because He bought us at a price (1 Corinthians 6:20.) I feel a responsibility to honor God with my life and have convictions against doing things that are ungodly, not in expectation of justifying salvation but because my life is HIS. 
Now, I am not saying that you are a better Christian for never drinking or swearing. I am just saying that I really feel like it is important for each of us to ponder the perception we have with non-believers and let the perception we desire shape our actions to benefit the expansion of the kingdom of God. 


Multiple thoughts...

Rejoicing with others in their victories

14  Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. 15  Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16  Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but give yourself to humble tasks. Never be wise in your own sight. Romans 12:14-16

Have you ever found yourself stressing over the victory of another- be it your friend or enemy- as if their gain is your loss? In the world of social networking it is so easy to compare our lives against the posted accomplishments of our friends- relationship status, children, new jobs, body image... These are all things that are easily coveted. I'm so guilty of using social networks as a device to creep on people from high school or check out people I have just met to decide whether or not they're trustworthy and the majority of users do the same. That's so silly though. If I didn't care about these people in high school, what need do I have to know If they're getting a divorce or having a kid? Using facebook to qualify people as trustworthy or not is ridiculous also since users can create a facade of how they want to be portrayed. I need to change my mindset toward facebook/twitter so that I log on, not to stalk or covet the things in my friends lives, but to remain updated on their achievements and congratulate them. I want to rejoice in the accomplishments of my friends. This means I'm going to have to narrow down my "friends" list to people who I genuinely have an interest in maintaining relationships with. 

On another note...
Today in YAC Chad Johnson spoke on this verse from Colossians- 

 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
 24 knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.Colossians 3:23-24

Are you working hard or are you hardly working?

Everyday I find myself ticking down the hours/minutes until I can leave work. It is so easy to forget what a blessing it is to have a job at all much less one where I have the ability to share the love of Christ. As most of you know, I work at a frozen yogurt shop that specializes in using locally grown/produced toppings. To many this would seem menial but I have contact with hundreds of people a week and I have recently realized that the attitude I come to work with can effect everyone I come in contact with in a negative or positive way. So this week my goal is to do every task as if I am doing the task directly for God. I also will focus on keeping a positive attitude while in my work environment so that customers might see the difference in my life made through relationship with our all-loving God. 

I have a lot to share lately because of how much God is revealing to me (for which I am abundantly grateful!) but more will have to wait another day. Goodnight! -lucy


Shoutout to my girl, Sunshine. :)

Be Satisfied With Me .
"Everyone longs to give themselves completely to someone, To have a deep, soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively. But God says to us, "No, not until you are satisfied, fulfilled, and content with being loved by me alone. You will never be united with another until you are united with me, exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any other desire or longings. I want you to stop planning, stop wishing, and allow Me to give you the most thrilling plan existing; one that you cannot imagine. You see, until you are ready and until the one I have for you is ready, until you are both satisfied exclusively with Me and the life I prepared for you, you wont be able to experience the love that exemplifies your relationship with Me."

_____hello sunshine. _____: Be Satisfied With Me .:       I watched a movie yesterday called Marry Me. In this movie a lady had been in a relationship for two years. She was finally ready and ...

Sunshine is the most Spirit-filled, godly woman I know. I haven't seen her since high-school but she is such an amazing, encouraging friend and I like to keep up with her via her blog, facebook, pinterest, etc. because she uses social media to be encouraging to others and guide people to stronger relationships with Christ. Her blog is awesome! This post is about being satisfied in Christ before worrying about romantic relationships. So check it out!

Lessons learned from a dream

So I had a dream last night that I am 100% positive was God speaking directly to me. Basic summary of the dream- 

I married the guy I had been with for 4 years up until recently and realized it was the biggest mistake of my life within minutes of leaving the wedding. Then I woke up (still in the dream) and saw the tulips that were my bouquet in my dream wedding and threw them away rejoicing in the fact that it was all a dream. Then I realized that I wasn't home but at my really good friend's apartment and he comes in and says good morning Mrs. So-and-so. I panicked and that's when I really woke up and I realized that I am SO not ready to get married. 

I have had over a dozen people I know get engaged in a 2 month period and it has been driving me nuts. Mainly because these people are getting married to their significant others and they dated for way less time than my ex and I had. I thought maybe I was jealous because I want to get married, which there is some partial truth to- I can't wait to be a wife/mom. So I've been praying that my husband would pursue me and that our relationship would have a foundation in Christ. Twice recently, I've had a really great guy, rooted in Christ, who I've developed a friendship with, went on dates with, but it has been fruitless. But now I'm starting to see that I need to change my prayer. I don't need a guy to pursue me right now. I'm NOT ready in the slightest to get married. 1 Corinthians says, "An unmarried woman is concerned about the Lord's affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world- how she can please her husband (v. 33-34)." I should be thankful that I have this time to deepen my relationship with God and then at the right time, the predestined guy will follow. I'm now trying to focus on giving up control of my life- all aspects- to God and trust in His plan for my life. 

On a side note- I actually ran again yesterday. I'm keeping up with the couch to 5k dealio. Which is exciting because I've never had very good follow through on workout plans. :)

It's almost the weekend! Yay! -Lucy


Getting it Together

So, It's past spring break and we're all on the big stretch to summer! Which means, it is time to get organized and get my ducks in line for the end of the semester. I've been catching up on assignments and tonight I made my classroom website! It was so fun! I love making websites and choosing fonts and colors. It's a hoot! but here's what I've got thus far- Ms. Kitchens' Classroom Website.
It still needs tweaking and maybe a new flashy header but still... Cool, right?! :)

Also, I started the couch to 5k running program tonight. I accidentally skipped a step and jogged 3 min but I'm thinking it'll be alright. I don't know if I'll actually sign up for a 5k but I want to be able to run one (even though I DESPISE running.)
I also did a little spring cleaning and I'm in the process of going through clothing for goodwill (also known as sitting on top of a pile of clothes blogging.) So, this week is going to be a whole lot of tying up loose ends. I'm finishing up a book as well, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It's so good. I keep getting chills. I keep trying not to read it and get some schoolwork done but there's no way I can put it off until Summer. Buy it. Read it. Love it.

Speaking of Summer... this summer I'm going to HANGOUT MUSIC FESTIVAL in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Yes, It's for work but I still get to see DAVE MATTHEWS and I'll have time to sit and read at the beach. I'm pretty freakin stoked.

Until next time. ~Lucy


As of late...

So, It's been over a month since I've posted. Whoops! I've been crazy busy. First with wrapping up the semester, then Christmas, New Years, and then starting the semester and my 21st birthday. It's been nuts! So here's the condensed version in pictures-
So starting with Christmas- the YAC party

 My family at my paternal grandparent's house
 The food. If I wasn't irrationally afraid of scales I'm pretty sure that I would know I've gained 15 lbs. this winter. 
 All of the cousins were in town for the holiday so we got to "babysit" them. They're getting so big. I'm old! :(
 On New Years Eve we celebrated Nick, my granddad, and Ariana's birthdays.
 And Oh YEAH! I almost forgot. I took a week off to go "skiing" also known as "falling, giving up, and going shopping."
 Despite how much I sucked, It was gorgeous in the mountains!

 Speaking of old, I turned 21. Almost halfway to my AARP discounts. haha!
At the Blue Monkey with friends. This picture turned out a lot better than my license picture I took the morning after :\
 My aunt put together this cake. Hilarious!
La had a family get together for my birthday at her house. Sushi, cake, and they gave me a Coach bag that will have to be surgically separated from my hip. 
 Last weekend we went out to Dan McGuiness for Jenna's (right) birthday. 
and I think that catches everyone up. :)

This weekend some friends and I are hitting up Tunica and Saturday I'm going to the Tim Hawkin's concert at Hope with my friend, Michael. So I'm sure there are more pictures to come! Have a good weekend everyone!