
Getting it Together

So, It's past spring break and we're all on the big stretch to summer! Which means, it is time to get organized and get my ducks in line for the end of the semester. I've been catching up on assignments and tonight I made my classroom website! It was so fun! I love making websites and choosing fonts and colors. It's a hoot! but here's what I've got thus far- Ms. Kitchens' Classroom Website.
It still needs tweaking and maybe a new flashy header but still... Cool, right?! :)

Also, I started the couch to 5k running program tonight. I accidentally skipped a step and jogged 3 min but I'm thinking it'll be alright. I don't know if I'll actually sign up for a 5k but I want to be able to run one (even though I DESPISE running.)
I also did a little spring cleaning and I'm in the process of going through clothing for goodwill (also known as sitting on top of a pile of clothes blogging.) So, this week is going to be a whole lot of tying up loose ends. I'm finishing up a book as well, Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It's so good. I keep getting chills. I keep trying not to read it and get some schoolwork done but there's no way I can put it off until Summer. Buy it. Read it. Love it.

Speaking of Summer... this summer I'm going to HANGOUT MUSIC FESTIVAL in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Yes, It's for work but I still get to see DAVE MATTHEWS and I'll have time to sit and read at the beach. I'm pretty freakin stoked.

Until next time. ~Lucy

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