
Whoa there...

It's already December 13th!
Holy cow. This month is going by SO quickly and I have not been on the ball in the slightest. I only have one Christmas present purchased!

I haven't been working a whole lot here lately so I've done some knitting and organizing in our apartment. Our young adult community is in the middle of some changes. We're gearing up a new service on Tuesday nights starting in the new year that is aimed at reaching young adults across the whole city of Memphis. So that is exciting and I've been working with one of my friends on our little "coffee/snack team." I'm really excited to be involved in the changes and here for the beginning of what I think is going to be a really great event for people my age. God has been working a lot in me this past year and I am just happy to have an outlet for service until Multinational starts back in February.

I have decided to take a break from college. I am really burned out between work and school and at this point I don't know what I want to pursue as a career goal. Therefore, I am taking some time to pay back some of my student loans and really delve into discovering the way I am meant to fulfill God's purpose for my life. I feel Him drawing me out from where I am and into something new and this is my leap of faith into the unknown. It's exciting and a little scary but I know that I am in God's hands and that He will provide.

In other news, Mary and I ran the Ugly Sweater 5k this past Saturday. It has been unseasonably warm this winter so it was really fun to get out and see people decked out in their Christmas gear. It was my first 5k and it was untimed (thank goodness!) but we had a lot of fun.

Saturday was also the day of our YAC Christmas party. It was good to hang out and Jackie made these AMAZING stuffed mushrooms. (I'm such a foodie- yes. Food is always my focus.) So, it was a busy weekend!

My baby seestor is coming in town in a week and I am SO excited. I haven't seen her since September and I have missed her so much. It's crazy how much closer we've become the past couple of years. But I am getting my apartment ready for her to come stay with us. My tree has been up for about a month now.

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