
Help is on The Way

Colossians 1:13-14
 13 For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, 14 in Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

In my bible study tonight I was really drawn to this verse. Within the context, Paul and Timothy are saying that because of God's great love for us (His redeeming love) we should pray for and encourage one another. However, I could not help but think, how true is it that we still dwell in a world under the "dominion of darkness?" This past weeks events- the school shooting in CT and shooting of two police officers here in Memphis- make it easy to see that the darkness of this world is very real and near to us. 
It saddens me how nonchalant I have become in hearing these tragedies. I no longer am shocked by them because they are all too familiar. The local news features story after story of murders and civil unrest. So when I heard about the school shooting I did not mourn. Instead, the man that went into the school and shot those children and teachers and the man who shot the police officers fulfilled my expectation- that I will be continually disappointed by humanity. 
There is light in this darkness, though. Jesus Christ has rescued us from our sin and will one day come rescue us from the darkness of this world. But for now He offers us a peace over the havoc. Facebook was blown up with one status update after another calling for our King to come. That brings me hope- that our generation of believers leans into Christ and on one another amid tragedy. I am so grateful for the peace that God gives us and that the body of Christ is strong and uplifting, and I pray for the families of all those affected by the events this past week.

Don't forget to love on people. (This is really me telling myself.)

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