
Hangout Fest 2012

So, I have the coolest job ever right now. They're super flexible around my school schedule. I work with some really cool people and I get to eat an obscene amount of sugary goodness on the daily. However, none of these perks will ever add up to the ultimate perk of working at YoLo. 
An all-expense paid trip to Gulf Shores for the week for Hangout Fest.
That's right. My job paid for me to go kick-it on the beach and see the love of my life, Dave Matthews. 
The ladies of YoLo soaking up some sun

 Leils and I had to hit up a tacky souvenir shop.

 The whole Hangout crew
 This was my work space between concerts. It took me a while to realize why people were taking pictures with our airstream. Duh, YOLO. Silly Drake, YoLo is for yogurt local.
 Betsy and I before M. Ward
 We were so close!
Me, Betsy, and Elizabeth before Dave.


  1. JEALOUSSSS i wanna hang out with betsy! and YOU Lucy!! maybe when i come home from honduras?!?!

    1. YES YES YES, please. Bets and I are working at YoLo alllll summer long but we for sure can schedule something wen you get back!
