
Blank Page

The blank page between the end of a chapter and the start of a new one. That's where I'm at.
I feel like I've just begun to settle here in Hilton Head and I'm being uprooted again. It's bittersweet for sure. Hilton Head has been a thin but succinct chapter for me. It's hard to believe that it's coming to an end and I feel a need to close it well- to make sense of some greater purpose for having lived here.
Moving here was an easy decision. Staying through the discomfort of being completely out of my comfort zone was a hard one. I was angry with myself for not appreciating the comforts of community and security in Memphis. But through all of the uncertainty and loneliness, I've learned a lot about who I am... What I value... What my priorities are and should be. I've made good friends here. I've compacted years of work experience into a 6 month period. I'm up for my second promotion in less than a year. I'm well respected in my workplace. I'm thriving here... and now I'm moving once more into a place that is unfamiliar to me.
But just as God provided in Hilton Head, He will provide again in Knoxville and I am excited for the experiences to come. 

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