
A Beautiful Storm

The other evening as I left work, a storm was just passing. I'm not sure if this particular type of storm is common for the area, but I have never seen anything like it. Lightning was streaking through the clouds and illuminating the whole sky. I was talking to a friend in Memphis and told him that I wish he could see it because it was the most beautiful storm of my life. 

After the words left my mouth, the phrase resonated with me for a few days. "The most beautiful storm of my life." It sounds almost contradictory, but it's a matter of perspective. One can choose to look at the storm in a multitude of ways. 
- One can look at the storm in fear. The lightning could strike them at any moment. 
- One could let it ruin their day for lack of sunshine. "Comparison is the thief of all joy." 
- Or, one can view the storm for what it is- just a part of life. A rainstorm is not the most preferable weather to most, but it serves the purpose the Maker has given it just the same. To water the fields. To continue the life cycle... and in a beautiful display rather than just a normal drab rainy day.

The past couple of days I have been pretty busy between getting the store ready for the opening on Wednesday and with my on-going search for housing. It was very easy for me to want to stop and sulk over the housing I don't have, the friends and family I've left behind in Memphis, and the loneliness of this new place. Living in self-pity and sometimes even fear is really easy and comes rather naturally to me. However, I know that is not what I'm called to do as a daughter of the King. I am called to live my life according to it's purpose- to know God and make Him known. And when my eyes are not fixed on the Maker, I praise Him for providing a storm that leads me back to His arms. 

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