
One Day I'll Learn

You know the saying, "When God closes one door, He opens another?"
Yeah, well I was a little skeptical, but BOY was I naive.

A few months ago, I applied for a full-time baking job at one of the most well-known bakeries in town. I had frequented this establishment for years, knew the staff and owner, loved the product, and long story short-
I was led to believe that I had a shot and then got dumped in an e-mail.

So, for a few months now I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself until this past week. A good friend of mine gave me a book to read on fasting and stumbled upon this-

This passage of the book might as well have punched me straight in the windpipe. It reminded me of a sermon that my old youth pastor gave at a D-Now back in 2008. The theme for the weekend was "Work Hard" as if you are working for the Lord in all that you do. I'm not going to lie to you guys. I had been hardcore slacking at work. I didn't like it. I didn't want to be there. I was a terrible example to the staff under me... and I'm still not the best. But one of my coworkers asked me why I was different this past Valentine's week. I had worked 16 hours of an 18 hour day and still had a smile on because I knew that this "axe that I carry" is going to carry me to where God has planned for me to be... and that's what I told her and lately I've seen that her attitude has changed at work too.

Today I got several unexpected phone calls- about 3 different full-time baking jobs... and another opportunity at a restaurant opening in the next few weeks. So, I have some interviews to go to and a WHOLE lot of praying to do. When God closed that one door, He opened four others. It's so awesome how God works for us, and through us.


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