
Prayer please!

So, my mom went to the doctor this week and they found and removed a tumor along with some other abnomalities. They are doing a biopsy to determine whether or not they my be cancerous. Please pray for my mom (and my dad/family too) while she waits for results.

Also, I am going to be a counselor at Opportunity Camp this year. It is my first year going but I am so excited! My mom actually went when she was a kid so it's kind of funny how life comes around full circle and we get to bless those who have blessed us. There is a prayer list for the camp below. Please take a minute and pray for me and the other counselors, staff, and most of all the children that are coming. Thank you guys!

Counselors – They are caring for the children 24/7.
They need strength, patience, love, grace, and a Christ-like attitude.

Bible Study Teachers – They are with the children for 1 hour each day.
They need clear teaching, discernment, understanding, patience, and sensitivity.

Craft Helpers – They are with the children an hour each day.
They need endurance, patience, and creativity to share Christ's love through art.

Track Time Leaders – They are teaching children a useful skill for an hour each day.
They need endurance, patience, clear English, and an encouraging attitude.

Recreation Leaders – They are with the children an hour each day.
They need energy, keen eyes and ears for problems/injuries, patience, and love.

Opportunity Camp Staff – They oversee all activities, solve problems, equip leaders, and stay all week with both camps. For a year they have been prayerfully planning camp. They need endurance, understanding, patience, love, mercy, grace, discernment, wisdom, and ferver. Their names are: Elesia Turner, Richard Bushart, Beth Cox, Laurie Graves Morris, Amy Dale, and Emily Cox.


Sudanese and other Africans – They come from war-stricken countries and still fight discrimination in their own communities here. Some are muslims. Some are Christians. Many of them feel and are told they cannot accomplish things their peers can do. They need encouragement to grow into who God wants them to be.

Vietnamese and other Asians – They come from communities that fled former wars. They are struggling to make better lives for their families. Many of them are shy and are not open to sharing about their life. They need courage and openness. 

Hispanics – They come from protected communities that are very proud of their heritage. Many are Catholics but have no real understanding what a relationship with Christ is like. They need discernment and wisdom to see the difference in what they have always known and what they need.

Overall – There are other groups that attend camp. Regardless who they are or where they're from, they all need: CHRIST, love, conviction, wisdom, grace, and salvation.


Harmony & Unity - With children of so many different races, religions, and backgrounds, it's imperative that there is a positive and loving atmosphere at camp. Unity and a serving attitude are also extremely important for the staff and volunteers to maintain as they pour all they have into the children and each other.


Worship Service - At 7:30 each night there is a worship service. Music with fundamental truths is taught. A Bible story is taught and the Gospel is clearly presented each night. Pray for us during this time.

Bible Study – This is the time when if a child is going to give their life to Christ, this is it. Pray for attentiveness and that God's word would not be distracted. Because it is so important to the kids, here are the exact time when it will be happening:

Boys' Camp: Saturday-Monday at 3:30pm & Tuesday at 8:30am.
Girls' Camp: Tuesday-Thursday at 3:30pm & Friday at 8:30am.

Hangout Fest 2012

So, I have the coolest job ever right now. They're super flexible around my school schedule. I work with some really cool people and I get to eat an obscene amount of sugary goodness on the daily. However, none of these perks will ever add up to the ultimate perk of working at YoLo. 
An all-expense paid trip to Gulf Shores for the week for Hangout Fest.
That's right. My job paid for me to go kick-it on the beach and see the love of my life, Dave Matthews. 
The ladies of YoLo soaking up some sun

 Leils and I had to hit up a tacky souvenir shop.

 The whole Hangout crew
 This was my work space between concerts. It took me a while to realize why people were taking pictures with our airstream. Duh, YOLO. Silly Drake, YoLo is for yogurt local.
 Betsy and I before M. Ward
 We were so close!
Me, Betsy, and Elizabeth before Dave.


The weeks end

So this weekend is particularly sweet because I am going to be out of the store for the next 8 days! Over the weekend I spent some time with my good friend Leila, who just got back from opening a YoLo in Owensboro, KY. We went to Greek fest at the Greek orthodox church around the corner from my parents house and had a blast eating our weight in Greek food. We also went to the farmers market and got flowers for our moms and grandmas. I'm so glad to have her back!


Mini Apple Pies!

So, my awesome friends, Brandi and Maggie (adorable girls pictured above) got me this nifty little pie maker for Christmas and since the semester is FINALLY over, I had time to whip it out!
 Rolling out my mini pie crusts
 Gooey apple filling 
 10 minutes and VOILA!
They are so freaking cute- I can't get over it and  delicious too!