
Passion, Purpose, Planning, and the Pressure of 25

I've come to terms with the fact that I may never be consistent with this blog. Life is moving fast and I'm more focused on being fully engaged in each moment than I care to broadcast it.

A lot has happened in my life in the year I've been away from posting. I started dating again and met the most patient man, whose name is Brian, whom I now live with. I stepped down from the high-pressure job I had and moved back to Memphis for the Summer. I spent time with old friends and family and immersed back into Memphis' culture. I've learned that rich Memphis culture is not just a part of my identity but the part I love the most. I moved back to Knoxville to be with Brian, and since have been adjusting to the raw vulnerability of someone being there to see you in every light.

This year has been the roughest for me yet. It's been very emotional- with the highest highs and the lowest lows I've yet to experience in my 25 years. There's heavy spoken pressure at 25, to be moving toward some goal- whether it be vocational or marriage or pursuit of your passion. You're expected to have figured out your purpose or at least to be nearing it and to have plans for the future... and I'm not there yet.

I wish I had a tidy, succinct conclusion that ties up all of these loose purse strings for you, but I don't.
Until next time-