

Not feeling much like myself these days but I'm starting to feel comfortable here in Knoxville. That's the strange thing about perpetually placing yourself in situations of discomfort- getting comfortable with the discomfort. The unsettled feeling that once stirred me to innovate and change to accommodate new situations is becoming my normal state. I think there is something to be said for normalcy. For patterns and predictability and consistency. It's true that growth  is expedited outside of your comfort zone, but slowed growth within the confounds of stability makes way for sanity. For clarity. That's what I'm yearning for these days- clarity.

I have recently had a bit of a hiccup at work. I feel like I've really been thriving vocationally this past year. It speaks to the unique opportunities I have had and to the intentionality of my boss, who has really invested in my growth with the company and has become a bit of a mentor to me. I love my job. Even in moments where I hate my job, there isn't anything else I'd rather be doing.  My position here is vastly different than it was at HHI. Although I was essentially doing the same job at that store, the needs of my team here  are vastly different.  It took a really hard conversation for me to realize that so it's been a pretty rough week of transitioning. I have since seen a lot of success  in the short time that I've been taking this different approach and  have realized how necessary that temporary feeling of failure was for me. So I have recently been issued a bit of clarity that way.

 I am absolutely thrilled to be home in Memphis next week and that I'll get to see my baby seestor.
And the following week I'll be soaking up some sunshine with friends in Hilton Head.
It's absolutely hysterical to think of the many many times I have cursed both places, saying that I'd never be back. It's pretty crazy how I've learned to love them both and better from afar.