
Coffee & prayer.

"When my world is shaking, heaven stands. 
When my heart is breaking, I never leave Your hands."

3 years ago today, I began listening to the song "Your Hands" by JJ Heller on repeat for a Multi-week period. I was just dumped by the man I was going to marry. I had isolated myself from all of my friends  during the relationship. I hadn't spoken to God, or even given Him a thought in over a year. I was alone.

Since that time, I have turned back to following the God I love more than any other. I have regained relationships due to undeserved grace from my friends. I am able to walk into a room of people alone in confidence. I am ok with the uncertainty of my future- location wise and vocationally. I have dated. I am ok with the fact that I'm currently not dating. I no longer find my identity in a significant other, but in Christ. And I still have a long journey ahead. 

This morning I woke up, made my coffee brought it back to bed and talked to God longer than I have in years. As a lazy Christian, it is so easy to say or think that God already knows the condition of your heart. He knows your struggles. He knows what you're thankful for. And honestly- it's true. God knows before we do. But sometimes God reaches out to me in my own prayer. In times of prayer, God helps me to understand the condition of my heart... What I'm struggling with... What I need to be thankful for. I'm so overwhelmed by the God of the universe that hangs on my every breath and romances me in moments of stillness- merely residing in His presence. 

I don't often reminisce. I'm much inclined to living in the present, sometimes even trying to in the future. But I know it is of great value to reflect on how God is working in me from time to time- to see the growth and be encouraged.