
No DIYing today...

It has been a while... once again. I begin many a post with "So, it's been a while." Not a lot has been going on in the realm of crafting/cooking. I'm still baking with YoLo bakes and have been making cupcake orders out of home, so I'm just about all cupcaked out. Not feeling very cake-creative so I'm trying to hold off for a couple of weeks in order to be on top of my game for... my FIRST WEDDING! It's a cupcake wedding cake for a couple of friends of mine done pro-bono, but I am still SO excited to get the experience.
In other news, I have picked up a couple of pieces to refinish- yardsale end table and a cool old dining chair off the side of the road (That's how I roll.) I'll start on those soon (hopefully) so I'll be able to post about those soon.
Have a good weekend!- L