
Fret not..

Mega-post to come!
I have been busy, busy, busy.
I've been working a ton and also packing up my life for the great move of 2012...
Coming this Friday.
Excited and dreading it!
But, on the bright side my new apartment = a ton of cute things to post about... when I get to it.

Tonight I had a sort of last hurrah fancy dining night with my YoLo girls. We went to Flight. The atmosphere was beautiful. The service was great. The food was incredible and came in TINY portions. Really, it was laughable. But we had a lot of fun getting all dressed up and people watching.

Anyway! More posts to come after the move.
<3 Lucy


Quinoa noodles!

Check this out. Plain old pasta right? Wrong! Gluten free quinoa and corn spaghetti noodles with gluten free Alfredo sauce. And it was delicious! Maybe better than regular noodles. Random purchase from whole foods well spent.