
As of late...

So, It's been over a month since I've posted. Whoops! I've been crazy busy. First with wrapping up the semester, then Christmas, New Years, and then starting the semester and my 21st birthday. It's been nuts! So here's the condensed version in pictures-
So starting with Christmas- the YAC party

 My family at my paternal grandparent's house
 The food. If I wasn't irrationally afraid of scales I'm pretty sure that I would know I've gained 15 lbs. this winter. 
 All of the cousins were in town for the holiday so we got to "babysit" them. They're getting so big. I'm old! :(
 On New Years Eve we celebrated Nick, my granddad, and Ariana's birthdays.
 And Oh YEAH! I almost forgot. I took a week off to go "skiing" also known as "falling, giving up, and going shopping."
 Despite how much I sucked, It was gorgeous in the mountains!

 Speaking of old, I turned 21. Almost halfway to my AARP discounts. haha!
At the Blue Monkey with friends. This picture turned out a lot better than my license picture I took the morning after :\
 My aunt put together this cake. Hilarious!
La had a family get together for my birthday at her house. Sushi, cake, and they gave me a Coach bag that will have to be surgically separated from my hip. 
 Last weekend we went out to Dan McGuiness for Jenna's (right) birthday. 
and I think that catches everyone up. :)

This weekend some friends and I are hitting up Tunica and Saturday I'm going to the Tim Hawkin's concert at Hope with my friend, Michael. So I'm sure there are more pictures to come! Have a good weekend everyone!