
Our New (to us) Money Pit House

Here's the skinny-
My little sister and I moved out of our parents house into a 2 bedroom apartment almost exactly 1 year ago. Our lease is up in a little over a month and we are ready to move on and out of this place!

So since little seestor is completely AWESOME and works SO hard at her job, her boss has given us the opportunity to rent her SWEET 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bathroom house in Germantown (with an in-ground POOL) and at a better than just affordable price. However, this place has been empty for over a year and needs a little (and by a little, I mean quite a bit of) work. I'm talking a rotting incomplete deck, unfinished bathroom, oddly covered pool, and nasty floral wallpaper people. gross. At that point let me just say that this place is gaudy... HELLA GAUDY. Check out Leopold and Lloyd, our oh so lovely white marble lion guards of our front porch... OH! and that fountain which is oh so lovely and perfectly framed by the front door!
Ok, sarcasm aside, the place is really nice and a really sweet deal so we'll work with a few eccentricities. haha

Do you see that yard? So beautifully manicured and mowed with great precision... That was me and two hours in the blazing sun. So since I mowed the lawn little sister and our other roommate bought some flowers and planted them around the huge tree stump in the yard.

Meanwhile, I attempted to take on THIS-

This wallpaper was in my bathroom. Note the gold foil which actually made it appear that the flowers were moving around my bathroom. Not ideal to wake up to. And it conveniently matches the very pink paint on the walls of the bedroom...

which will also be gone before long.

That's all for now!