
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

pumpkin. spice. yum.

cream. cheese. frosting.

with vanilla ice cream? yes!

I got the recipe from this blog that I absolutely love. These cupcakes were perfectly light, moist, and had the perfect amount of pumpkin flavor. I'm certain I'll be making these again this fall!


cookie fever

So, lately I have been super busy with YAC, school and work so I haven't had a ton of time to bake. However, I have made some pretty delish cookies. First it was the usual- chocolate chip for a YAC event. Then I made these pumpkin spice cookies (below) which were SO good. They looked better iced, but by the time I thought to take a picture they had all been eaten. That's how good they were.

Then on Saturday night I was browsing foodgawker and found a 3 ingredient recipe for nutella cookies. First off, let me just explain how much I LOVE nutella. It was a slowly acquired love. I tried it at first and didn't care for it but it has grown into a full obsession. I ate a whole bag of granny smith apples- sliced and dipped in nutella in the past week. LOVE it.
So, Sunday morning I woke up early (unintentionally) and was dressed for church by 9... but I didn't have to be there until 11. I remembered the recipe and grabbed my 3 ingredients:
1 c flour
1 c nutella
1 lg egg
and whipped it up. It was so simple, I could hardly believe it. So I popped them in the oven (at 350') for 8 minutes and voila! They were done! I let them cool, sprinkled a little powdered sugar on them and they were finished. Now, let me warn you. These cookies taste just like nutella, so they kind of have the taste of dry chocolate. I spread a little nutella on top of the ones I ate though which I thought made them 200% better. But all in all they were great for such a simple recipe. Unfortunately, they too were gone before I had the chance to take a picture. (I'm going to have to practice a little more self restraint if I'm going to keep up with this!)
Check out these super cute pink boxes I got at Mary Carter bake supply store! It is dangerous to go in there. I went in for sprinkles and came out with cupcake liners, sprinkles, candy melts, 6 pink boxes, and a sunflower candy mold (which I'm going to use to put on top of my pumpkin cupcakes- so excited!)

On a side note, I was at Tjmaxx the other day and while waiting in line I saw a GOOSE CREEK candle! I thought to myself, "Goose creek... now how do I know that name..." Then I remembered. This Glozell video. I love her. So, I bought it. Ok,  actually it was because it smelled like pumpkin pie. Either way. Seestor loved it.
toodles. <3 lucy


Long story short(ish.)

So, long story short- I didn't end up moving in with my sister into the awesome house. I moved in with mom and dad to save some moo-lah and pay down my student loans a bit. So, since I haven't been paying rent, I've had a little extra cash flow and have taken to baking up a storm. Seriously. We're all getting fat over here. Let me just say that the foodgawker app is bad news. I'm seriously addicted. I mean, look at this.
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes.
How am I supposed to pay attention in Lit. Heritage with these babies staring me in the face? No, I'm calculating how far the nearest grocery store is so I can recreate these asap. 

So basically, this is my thing for the moment. I have adhd when it comes to my interests. I bounce around all over the place- all the time. So for now, I'll be posting recipes and pics of yummy stuff I'm making. Next week, who knows.

&hearts; lucy


Blue: walls and bruises

So, It's been a while but a lot has been going on. Over the weekend we ditched the house and went to a couple of Redbirds games to rest and relax. On Friday Gant and I went with some friends from YoLo and on Sunday we went with family.

Seestor is in the process of finding another roommate. A girl is coming to look at the room on Friday. So, we had to take on the hideous downstairs bath. It looked like this-
Monday and Tuesday we stripped paper. Stripping wallpaper SERIOUSLY sucks. Seriously. I fell off a step ladder and I have bruises all up the right side of my body. I'll recover. It was just a bit of a setback. The swelling has gone down anyway. Tonight we plugged holes with spackling compound and put on the first layer of paint. We picked Olympic C55-2 Adrift.
Olympic 8 oz. Paint Sample - Adrift

Tomorrow night, we're putting on a second coat and putting up some new light fixtures and then VOILA! We're finally done with this room and hopefully one step closer to fining a roomie. I'll post pics when we're done!

Until next time, Lucy


August 08, 2011

So It has been a CRAZY week. It was Gant's 21st birthday on Wednesday (Yay!) and I got switched over to a whole new terribly stressful schedule at work. But anyway! Since I've been busy I hadn't made it over to the house in over a week until today. I have however made it around the blogosphere and I have seen some CUTE stuff I'd like to do in my room.

#1. DIY Pallet Furniture-


I LOVE the idea of making a piece of furniture out of something unexpected and for cheap! I've seen desks, beds, light fixtures, bike racks, nearly anything made of pallets. I didn't really plan on making anything in particular but I was on my way to my parents house and found a nice clean pallet laying on the curb that was the perfect size for a coffee table. I bought an old window at a yard sale, a couple of table legs and VOILA! It's going to be beautiful! (I'll post pictures after I stain and finish it.)

2. Combo Rooms-


I think this one is GORGEOUS. Maybe it's the crisp white with the lime green or maybe it really is just a beautiful layout but I think it's so so pretty. I know our living room in the new crib is humongous, but I really want to include a little seating area and multi-function desk so I can keep to myself if I want to. I haven't quite worked it out but it's going to happen.

 Olympic C11-3 Weeping Willow
Gant and I painted the walls of my room today to a nice warm green called weeping willow. I love it. SO much better than that nasty nasty pink.

I also bought some Tri Sodium Phosphate today so I can finish getting the wallpaper in the bathroom off so a color selection for in there will be made soon as well.

Next post coming soon!


Our New (to us) Money Pit House

Here's the skinny-
My little sister and I moved out of our parents house into a 2 bedroom apartment almost exactly 1 year ago. Our lease is up in a little over a month and we are ready to move on and out of this place!

So since little seestor is completely AWESOME and works SO hard at her job, her boss has given us the opportunity to rent her SWEET 5 bedroom, 3 1/2 bathroom house in Germantown (with an in-ground POOL) and at a better than just affordable price. However, this place has been empty for over a year and needs a little (and by a little, I mean quite a bit of) work. I'm talking a rotting incomplete deck, unfinished bathroom, oddly covered pool, and nasty floral wallpaper people. gross. At that point let me just say that this place is gaudy... HELLA GAUDY. Check out Leopold and Lloyd, our oh so lovely white marble lion guards of our front porch... OH! and that fountain which is oh so lovely and perfectly framed by the front door!
Ok, sarcasm aside, the place is really nice and a really sweet deal so we'll work with a few eccentricities. haha

Do you see that yard? So beautifully manicured and mowed with great precision... That was me and two hours in the blazing sun. So since I mowed the lawn little sister and our other roommate bought some flowers and planted them around the huge tree stump in the yard.

Meanwhile, I attempted to take on THIS-

This wallpaper was in my bathroom. Note the gold foil which actually made it appear that the flowers were moving around my bathroom. Not ideal to wake up to. And it conveniently matches the very pink paint on the walls of the bedroom...

which will also be gone before long.

That's all for now!